Maintenance issues
For the safety of our guests and housekeeping staff, we would be most grateful if you could first look at the details below to see if you are able to resolve simple queries & small maintenance issues.
Should it not be possible to resolve an issue, please complete our Maintenance Form for non-urgent issues.
For issues requiring immediate attention during your stay, please call;​
Mr & Mrs Gray on 07899 842194.
Contents - Maintenance
What to do if the electricity goes off unexpectedly
The fuse box is located in the under stairs cupboard in the reading room.
Check the fuses and trip switches (located in the Reading Room under-stairs cupboard)
If any trip switches are in the OFF position, try to move it back to the ON position. If this works, the power will come back on
If this doesn’t work and the trip switch moves back to the OFF position, there may be a fault with one of the appliances or house wiring circuits. Please contact us & we will organise for an electrican to attend the property.
If the fuses and trip switches are in the ON position and the electricity is still off, then there may be a fault with the main supply. Phone the UK Power Networks on 150 or 0800 316 3105 for advice. The postcode is NR23 1NN.

The kitchen is equipped with an electric oven & hob, microwave, washing machine, fridge, freezer, dishwasher, toaster & kettle. These appliances are all fairly straightforward, but should you wish to review at the instructions, they can be found in the red box-file in the left-hand drawer of the utility room.
These are new, having been installed in our kitchen refit (Oct 21) and should be turned on, on your arrival. There is an isolation switch on the wall, should this not be the case. Instructions can be found in the red box-file in the left-hand drawer of the utility room.

Should you find that the hot water or heating is not working, please ensure that ‘TIMED’ is selected on the Drayton heating & hot water control panel in the Utility area by the kitchen.
The left side of the timer is for the hot water and the right for heating. To change to ‘TIMED’ press the select button.
Upon arrival, you may find that either the hot water or heating is switched to ‘OFF’. Whilst at the cottage please ensure that ‘TIMED’ is selected.
The left side of the timer is for the hot water and the right for heating. To change to ‘TIMED’ press the select button.
The hot water and heating programmed times are as follows: -
Hot Water Heating
On Off On Off
07:00 09:00 07:00 09:45
12:00 13:00 14:00 16:15
17:00 19:00 18:30 20:30
Press and hold ‘BOOST’ for 1 second to switch on for an extra hour.
When you leave the cottage on your last day, it would be very helpful if you could turn the heating thermostat down to 12oC and select ‘OFF’ for the hot water.
Chapel Cottage is not on the mains sewage. The drains at the cottage are easily blocked.
The shower is sometimes is slow to drain. However, should you notice that the sinks or toilets are also being slow to drain, please contact us and we will organise for the drains to be rodded.
The instructions for these are in the red box-file red box-file in the left-hand drawer of the utility room.
The FreeSAT channel guide is on the windowsill in the lounge.
The oil level at the cottage is checked regularly. However, if having run through the checks for Heating and Hot Water, you should believe that they are not working due to a shortage of oil, please contact us and we will organise for the level to be checked.

Simply align the arrows on each half of the white clip on the chain, pushing the two parts back together. The device is now ready to use again.
Pull the chain to in a downward motion operate the blind. One side of the chain will lower the blind, the other will raise it. The chain will naturally tilt from side to side during operation.
We have chosen Roman Blinds for our windows dressings at the cottage. These are operated by use of an infinity chain to open and close them, as shown in the diagram below. All of our blinds are fitted with a safety 'break' mechanism to prevent strangulation. If the blinds are operated roughly the safety break will be activated, which may lead guests to believe the blinds are broken. We would ask that you do not dismantle the blinds or allow children to play with them.

If a force of 6kg or greater is applied to the chain, the safety break will activate. The device will either fully separate into two parts, or the chain will flow freely and not operate the blind.

Drains & Drainage
Chapel Cottage is not on the mains sewage. The drains at the cottage are easily blocked. We have a Klagester septic tank, which requires us to only use eco-friendly cleaning & washing products. We kindly ask that you please:
Do not put fats, oils or solids down the sink.
Only flush toilet tissue, thank you.
The shower is always slow to drain. However, should you notice that the sinks or toilets are also being slow to drain, please contact us and we will organise for the drains to be rodded.
Bins and recycling
Your bin collection day is Thursday.
What goes in my grey bin?
FOOD WASTE is NOT recyclable in Norfolk. Please put in bin bags and dispose in the grey bin. Once you have separated your recyclables, the rest of the household waste you produce should be placed in the grey bin, including cling film and polystyrene. Any extra waste left beside your grey bin will not be collected.
What goes in my green bin
FOOD WASTE is NOT recyclable in Norfolk. A full list can be found below.
Your recyclables should be placed loose in your green bin - not in bags.
Things that can go in your green bin include (don't forget to rinse them out first):
Food and drink cans, both aluminium and steel.
Glass - all bottles and jars (no more trips to the bottle bank!).
Aluminium foil and trays including takeaway and ready meal containers.
Plastic pots including yoghurt pots, containers for gravies and fresh sauces.
Plastic food tubs and trays including margarine tubs, meat and vegetable trays.
Empty aerosol cans.
Plastic bottles, such as milk, drinks, bleach, shampoo.
Paper, including envelopes (including windowed), shredded paper and cardboard.
Food and drink cartons including milk, juice, smoothie and soup containers. Bottle tops can be left on.
What goes in the brown bin?
Please do not put anything in the brown bin. This is for our gardener's use only.
FOOD WASTE is NOT recyclable in Norfolk.

Things that can't go in include:
Toys, video tapes, CD’S and DVD’s, plastic plant pots, washing up bowls, cutlery and drainer trays, plastic paint pots. Soft plastic - polystyrene, bubble wrap, plastic sheets, carrier bags. Sweets and crisp wrappers, nappies, textile (clothing, carpet and shoes), wood and metal paint tins.

What goes in the brown bin?
Please do not put anything in the brown bin. This is for our gardener's use only.
FOOD WASTE is NOT recyclable in Norfolk.
FOOD WASTE is NOT recyclable in Norfolk. A full list of what can be recycled is below.
Grass cuttings, weeds, leaves.
Flowers, plants, vegetable tops.
Hedge clippings, twigs, bark.
Small branches.
Christmas trees.
Shredded paper.
Currently you are not able to dispose of kitchen waste (e.g. vegetable peelings etc.) in the brown bin.
Any additional garden waste placed alongside the brown bin will not be collected. Please be careful not to fill the bin so it is too heavy to move. Please do NOT put BBQ coals in the the brown bin. This will not be taken and you will be charged for its disposal.

Car Parking
There is ample car-parking at Chapel Cottage. A torch can be useful in North Norfolk as there is little light pollution. This does make for great star gazing! Should you need further parking, there is parking opposite the Warham Horseshoes pub.
WiFi code
The code for the Wifi is on the hub, in the lounge
Landline telephone
There is no landline at Chapel Cottage
Mobile signal
Mobile phone reception can be patchy in Norfolk. Vodafone seems to have 4G in Warham, but Three & other providers have intermittent service.
Cleaning & Laundry
The cottage is cleaned thoroughly between guests and fresh bedding & towels will be provided for all guests on the booking form. Should you have any issues with the cleanliness of the cottage on your arrival, please contact the owners immediately.
Beds will be made on your arrival. Please note that only beds for guests listed on the booking form will be prepared. There are additional pillows and alternative weight duvets in the cupboard in the Reading Room.
Please leave any additional pillows or duvets on your bed at departure so these can be sanitised between guests.
Thank you.
The fireplace in the dining room is decorative only.
There is a log-burner which takes wood only in the lounge.
Washing line

The socket for the washing line is located toward the bike shed at the back garden. It has a red cover cap which should be visible.